First Name
Last Name
Please select the training session you are applying for :
🇬🇧 March 15 - July 21, 2025 (English Edition)
I am proficient in English
🇬🇧 Yes! I want to do the English Training!
By checking the boxes below, please confirm your availability for the listed events on the dates shown on your training session schedule, and acknowledge the requirement of full attendance in this Breathwork Facilitator Training :
Training via Zoom (2 full days)
In-person training in Paris (9 full days)
Jury presentation via Zoom (2 hours on either of the two scheduled days)
I acknowledge that the training fee is 5,900€ TTC if paid in full, or 6,100€ TTC if I choose the payment plan.
Have you participated in a minimum of 2 Breathe in Paris group classes within the past year, either via Zoom, by replay or in-person? If you haven't, please refrain from filling out this application. Kindly take 2 classes with me before applying for this Breathwork Facilitator Training.
YES, I have taken a minimum of 2 Breathe in Paris classes within the year.
NO, I haven't taken 2 Breathe in Paris classes within the year and I am not eligible to apply for The School.
Which two classes did you take and when? If you haven't taken two Breathe in Paris classes yet, please stop filling out this application. Instagram or YouTube classes don't count.
How did you hear about The Breathe in Paris School by Susan Oubari?
Would you like to subscribe to my monthly newsletter?
I'm already subscribed!
Please provide your postal address for sending School information and material.
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
What's your cell number?
Email address
What is your age?
Please provide an emergency contact and cell number.
What's your Instagram so we can follow each other?
Do you have any physical or emotional ailments that could prevent full participation in the Breathwork Facilitator Training?
How long have you been doing Breathwork?
Have you taken Breathwork with other facilitators? With whom?
Please describe any positive changes you have observed since practicing Breathwork.
Please describe any challenges that you face or any blockages in your Breathwork practice.
What's motivating you to take this Breathwork Facilitator Training?
What do you hope to learn during this Breathwork Facilitator Training?
What fears or concerns do you have regarding this Breathwork Facilitator Training?
Are you ready to become a part of a new community of like-minded people who are pursuing the same passions as you?
To be eligible for the Certificate of Course Completion, you must meet the following criteria from the start of the program until the jury presentation day : 1) Attend all training sessions via Zoom and in-person. 2) Participate in a minimum of 5 Breathe in Paris group sessions during the program. 3) Maintain a subscription to Spotify Premium. 4) Successfully pass the written exam. 5) Submit 4 case studies of individual or couples sessions. 6) Provide two 5-minute videos. 7) Assist Susan Oubari in 3 or more Breathe in Paris Zoom or in-person group classes. 8) Present a case study to the jury via Zoom. 9) Complete all assignments by their respective deadlines. Do you agree to these terms?
Are you fully committed to attending all sessions, doing the homework, establishing your personal daily Breathwork practice and following through until the end of this Breathwork Facilitator Training?
Have you ever had an experience with Reiki, meditation, personal coaching or any other personal development method? Can you describe it?
What is your profession, if you have one?
Do you currently have your own business? What do you do?
How do you feel about the prospect of launching a Breathwork-based business or integrating it into your existing activity?
Where do you see yourself a year from now? I know this is a hard one, but take a moment to go deep into your heart and allow yourself to dream. There's no jugement here!
Can you share a situation from your past where you encountered difficulties or obstacles in a learning journey, but decided to overcome them and push forward? This will help me understand your determination and commitment to completing this Breathwork Facilitator Training.
I have read and understood the privacy policy and I agree that my personal data may be processed by Susan Oubari, for the sole purpose of evaluating my application in the event of my participation in the training. To learn more about the management of your data and your rights, see our privacy policy.
Dear Breathworker,
Thank you so much for applying to The Breathe in Paris School! I’m genuinely excited that you feel called to take this next step with me and explore the power of Breathwork on a deeper level.
Your application has been received, and I’ll be taking the time to read it carefully. Once I’ve had a chance to review everything, I’ll reach out to set up a Zoom interview so we can connect and see if we’re a good fit for this journey together.
In the meantime, I’d love for you to keep joining the Breathe in Paris sessions whenever you can!
Wishing you a beautiful day filled with light and love.
Keep breathing, Susan Oubari
THE BREATHE IN PARIS SCHOOL Paris, France cell IG @susan.oubari