What is Reiki?
Founded by Mikao Usui in 1922, Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress-reduction and relaxation. It can help activate the natural healing processes of the body and restore physical and emotional well-being. Rei means Universal, and Ki (also known as Chi or Prana) means Energy. Reiki means Universal Energy. It's based on the idea that this unseen Universal Energy or “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If your life force energy is low, then you’re more likely to get sick or feel stressed; if it is high, you’re more able to be happy and healthy. It can be channelled by placing the hands of the Reiki practitioner lightly on, or just above, a fully clothed body, and it can also be used as self-treatment. A subtle energy flows from the hands of the Reiki master to activate the natural healing processes of the recipient. Reiki is simple and safe and treats the whole person including the mind, body, emotions and spirit, always going to where it’s needed most. Although Reiki energy is spiritual in nature, Reiki is not a system of religious beliefs and there are no rules involved. On the contrary, Reiki is a system for personal development that combines energy work, meditation and the Five Ideals of Reiki to bring self healing and enlightenment.
Benefits of Reiki
It appears that a Reiki treatment helps lessen the impact of stress, releasing tension from the entire system. By focusing the healing energy on trouble spots on the patient’s body, the practitioner can promote relaxation and soothe tense muscles that may be holding memories of physical or emotional pain. Although some effects of Reiki are measurable, most of the benefits of repeated Reiki sessions are less quantifiable such as a sense of spiritual connection, enhanced self-esteem, improved overall well-being and accelerated healing. There are very few scientific studies showing evidence of its efficacy, though research has shown no known negative side effects. Reiki sessions can be wonderful compliments to conventional medicine and is of growing interest to chiropractors, medical doctors, physiotherapists, psychotherapists, psychologists and hypnotherapists.
Some benefits of a Reiki energy treatment…
Helps cleanse toxins and supports the immune system : Reiki helps you feel calm and peaceful, which supports balanced functioning of your immune system.
Helps relieve pain : Reiki improves your body’s vital functions (breathing, digesting and sleeping) so they function optimally. Reiki can help to relieve physical pain from migraines, arthritis, injuries, among others. It can also help with symptoms of asthma, chronic fatigue, menopausal symptoms, and insomnia. The body’s natural healing processes are activated by working directly on the problem and condition instead of just masking or relieving symptoms.
Promotes harmony and balance : Reiki balances the flow of subtle energy on the deepest possible level by releasing blockages and healing mental and emotional wounds. It can help alleviate mood swings, fear, frustration and even anger.
Creates deep relaxation and helps release stress : Reiki provides a relaxed space where you become more present with your body and energy. Your breathing, heart rate and blood pressure improve, making way for feelings of peace and calm, while helping you sleep better.
Strengthens acceptance, compassion and patience : Reiki enables a better response to situations, people and one’s self rather than acting out of habit.
Helps spiritual growth : You don’t need to be spiritual for Reiki to create profound, often subtle shifts from deep within your own being. Reiki is a system for spiritual growth and personal development. By integrating the Five Ideals of Reiki into your practice, you’re enriching not only yourself but also developing a profound awareness of others.
Compliments all other medical and therapeutic techniques : Now embraced by the functional medical community, Reiki will not cure illnesses or disease, but it may help your body to feel more relaxed and peaceful. Always seek advise from your doctor or specialist. Be very wary of any Reiki practitioner who advises you to abandon your conventional medical treatment.
The Five Ideals of Reiki
Mikao Usui created Five Ideals, also referred to as principles which encourage us to embody the Reiki energy throughout the day, everyday. The principles themselves are comparable to affirmations or intentions, and they’re very much about being focused on the here and now. The Usui System of Reiki is more than the use of the Reiki energy, but an active commitment to improve oneself and to produce a healthy and loving life. These spiritual guidelines will help you understand just how important it is to take a conscious and active part in your healing. You are your own healer. No one is going to do it for you.
Note: There are a number of variations on these principles because they were translated from their original language Japanese.
“Just for today, I let go of all worry.
Just for today, I let go of all anger.
Just for today, I give thanks for all my blessings and I forgive those who I need to forgive.
Just for today, I live my life honestly.
Just for today, I respect life around me in all living forms.”
A Typical Class
Coming into a Breathe in Paris® session, your Life Force Energy is stagnant. That doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with it, it just means that it needs to be activated. Once you start breathing, your energy gets shaken up. The breath is so powerful that within minutes of Breathwork you can start experiencing a variety of physical sensations including hot sweats or cold chills, cramps in your hands, waves of pulsations and tingling throughout your body. These physical sensations are commonplace when the body is releasing blocked energy, past traumas or stress. When energy passageways are blocked, positive energy cannot flow to certain parts of the body, which results in mood swings, fear, anger, pain, and more. Reiki and Breathwork act together focusing on the cause of these blockages, breaking them up and washing away any negative thoughts or feelings that are stuck in the unconscious mind/body. As the normal healthy flow of energy resumes, passageways clear up and symptoms disappear.
Whether the session is in-person or by distance, Reiki is equally effective. I always ask permission before giving Reiki; it’s important that you are open to it and by saying ‘yes’ aloud increases your ability to receive the energy. Just like Breathwork, each Reiki session is different depending on your emotional and physical state at that particular moment. During a session you may feel intense heat in specific parts of your body, see coloured lights, drift in and out of consciousness, receive messages from you “true” self.
Susan Oubari was trained by Masters Nita Mocanu, Philippe Coffin & Colleen Benelli from 2007-2017.
Susan is a certified Usui/Holy Fire® II, Karuna Reiki® Master and a Professional Member of the International Center for Reiki Training.
*Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand.