How Can I Help You?
I combine my 27-year career in the fashion industry with over a decade of experience serving clients using Reiki sessions, Meditation, Spiritual Coaching and Breathwork therapy. My life work centers around helping others thrive. I’ve helped people around the world overcome anxiety and self-doubt, reduce stress and overcome fears while also helping them cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves.
Whether you’re a man or woman, 16-years old or 80, in Paris or on the other side of the world… happy or sad… I can meet you where you’re truly at, so you feel deeply seen. I can help you go on a journey of self-discovery and shift your perspective. I can help you make the changes that you so deeply want to make using simple breathing techniques and gentle Reiki treatments.
Life isn’t easy, and it just takes over. If you’re experiencing burnout, anxiety, or just that nagging sense that things should be better… If you’re seeking greater clarity, balance, and peace of mind… I know how you feel and I can help guide you back to you. The vital first step is to confront the issue head on and carve out time for change. My goal is to inspire you to live your passion and to manifest your dreams. If you’re ready, I so look forward to meeting and working with you.
My Sessions Can Help You To…
Reconnect with your emotions and your body so that you can feel restored and alive again.
Surrender and let go of the past so you can enjoy the dream that’s happening right now.
Wake up your spirit and re-discover the real you.
Create a disciplined practice to ground you at the beginning of each day.
Become courageous and proactive so you'll make the changes you’ve been putting off.
Dare to go to the source where your self-doubt and anxiety began.
Stop judging yourself, feeling guilty or punishing yourself so much.
Decide it’s about time to start living more positively.
Learn how to use your breath to find calmness and confidence.
Use your breath to release emotional blockages that are preventing you from living your best life.
You Should Take A Session With Me If…
You’re feeling stuck and it’s keeping you from living the best version of yourself.
You want to show up as your true self instead of how others want you to be.
You need clarity about what you believe in, so you can find your voice.
You desire a deeper sense of meaning in your life.
You want to trust your journey so that you can accept life’s challenges as life lessons.
You’d like to create a simple daily spiritual practice.
You yearn to alleviate anxiety and fears.
You want to reconnect to yourself again.
You’re tired of feeling detached, lonely and misunderstood.
You want happiness, peace, less agitation and less aggravation.