Meditate with Me

Written and Narrated by Susan Oubari (in French only)

Welcome to the Breathe in Paris® French guided meditations that I have written and recorded in liaison with the chapters of my book “Breathwork : Breathe for Change” (co-written with Emilie Veyretout, Flammarion, 2020). It is a pleasure for me to share with you my passion for Breathwork, Reiki and Mindfulness and to feel a little closer to you.

To begin, please settle down in a quiet place. Allow about ten to fifteen minutes without being disturbed. Be aware of your breath... Explore your body... These meditations will help you feel your emotions and take a step back.

Don’t forget… Keep breathing!

1- Transformation

Personal transformation takes time. We all go through periods of apathy, slowdowns and resistance. Change doesn't happen magically. But we must continually show up and move forward. In this meditation we will start by learning the basic Breathwork breathing, which serves as a springboard for the other breathing techniques you will discover as you go along in this book.

2- Intention and Action

To change your life and become master of your future, you need to make sure your language is clear. To do this, it is necessary to formulate a precise sentence, to send the right message and to set an intention. Don't think too much. What is the most important desire for you right now? 

3- Healing your Inner Child

We all have a child living inside of us. Whether we are parents or not, we’ve all been children once and we’ve all had parents. And these experiences are engraved in us like imprints, in our memory, in our body, in each of our cells. That "little me" accompanies us throughout our days, which manifests itself as soon as it can. This meditation helps you reconnect and heal the relationship with your inner child. 

4- The Source of Energy

Today we are going to talk about beauty, and not only inner beauty. We will explore the relationship we have with our bodies. We will use our breath, Mindfulness and gratitude to reconcile with your self. Your body is your temple... Do you treat it as such? How do you look at it? How do you talk to it? Is your judgment of it subject to the judgment of others? When you look at your reflection in the mirror, are you kind to yourself? 

5- Inside Cleaning

We are very (too) often in our heads. Almost 60,000 thoughts a day, too much information around us and on our phones... We end up feeling blocked. When our mind feels cluttered by useless thoughts that suck up all our vital energy, we feel exhausted, demotivated, stuck... We might as well hide under the covers. But don't hide too much and let's get together and "tidy up" your house. 

6- A Question of Intimacy

Intimacy is an important subject and writing about it was challenging. It's all about getting your hands dirty. It's about being vulnerable and getting out of your comfort zone. It's about finding one's place in relation to the other. And to look at the naked truth. What does intimacy mean to you? What does it mean to be in love? Are you ready to strengthen the relationship you have, or do you want to create a new one? 

7- Forgiveness

In this chapter, we will take the path of forgiveness. During the process of self-discovery, the challenges and criticisms that affect us the most are actually those that show us the way. They are painful because they open up old wounds. Sure, we can choose to ignore them, but if we want to heal, forgiveness of ourselves and of those who’ve hurt us is essential to moving on. 

8- Big Dreams

This is the eighth session, our last set, a session dedicated to your big dreams. You are free. You are ready. How do you feel? I am moved. One step after the other, I accompanied you on the bridge of transformation. You are almost there, you can be proud of yourself. With each step we took together, I gave you a new key. The key to letting go of your fears. To reduce your stress. To heal your inner child... I hope I have also given you the most important key : the key to self-discovery.