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The Breathe in Paris School - Day 2

The Breathe in Paris School

Breathwork Facilitator Training
For Guiding Individuals, Couples & Groups
19/11/23 - 25/03/24 French Session

Day 2
Discovering Breathwork


19/11/23 - 25/03/24 Session

During this 170-hour Breathwork Facilitator Training Program - taught in French - you'll take a deep dive into how to jumpstart your own business, lead individual, couple and group Breathwork sessions and create massive change in you and in everyone around you. It trains you to discover your voice and who you really are. Upon completion, 
you will be fully accredited to use The Breathe in Paris Method.

Day 2 - Zoom - Discovering Breathwork

Exploring the history and background of Breathwork and the function of our respiratory system is essential for understanding these topics deeply and teaching them effectively and accurately.

November 24

Breathe in Paris @ Le Centre Élément “Breathwork for Gratitude”

November 28

Breathe in Paris via Zoom - Breathe with Susan