“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

7 classes | ~3½h each | in 🇫🇷 & 🇺🇸 | all levels | 25€/replay
Meditation | Reiki | Journaling | Breathwork

Workshops Overview

This series of 7 sessions of Breathe in Paris is based on Stephen Covey's bestseller "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People®" (1989). I discovered this personal development book 15 years ago and it has profoundly changed my life for the simple reason that it focuses not on trends and quick fixes, but on the timeless principles of fairness, integrity, honesty and human dignity. Start this new year by changing your habits. These new principles will increase your level of effectiveness and help you solve problems, overcome obstacles and create change. Habits 1, 2 and 3 focus on self-control and moving from dependence to independence; habits 4, 5 and 6 focus on developing teamwork and moving from independence to interdependence. 7 focuses on continuous growth and improvement and embodies all other habits. We will use Breathwork, Diary and Reiki to go further and anchor these teachings in your daily life. Each session will explore a new habit and lead you to the next. It is recommended that you follow them in order, but it is not mandatory. 

Please note that these workshops provide a quick summary of each habit. If you wish to go deeper into the subject, I recommend that you purchase the book.

  • Principle: I am free to choose and am responsible for my choices.

    This first habit is the most basic, the habit of proactivity, which means that, as a human being, you are responsible for your own life. Have you been procrastinating or are you de-motivated? This habit reminds you that you have the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen. No one else. In this session you’ll learn the difference between reactive and proactive people and see where you stand in the Circle of Influence and Concern. How can you choose your response instead of reacting to external circumstances? How can you transcend suffering and difficult circumstances? Where do you focus your time and energy? Learn this new habit, set simple goals and make the commitment to seize the initiative.

  • Principle: Mental creation precedes physical creation.

    Habit 1 says, “You are the creator.” Habit 2 is the first creation. To get where you want to go in life you need to have a map. You need to figure out your life goals and have a clear destination. Habit two is about envisioning in your mind what you can’t presently see with your eyes. It is based on the principle that all things are created twice. First in the mind, and second in a physical creation. With this “end” in mind, it’s easier to understand where you are now, what steps you need to take to go in the right direction, and where you want to end up. In this session we will start writing your Personal Mission Statement based on your deep, fundamental values.

  • Principle: The most important things should never be at the mercy of those that don't matter.

    Habit 3 is the practical fulfillment, the physical creation of Habits 1 and 2. It’s where you take the steps and actions required to make your vision a reality. Habits 1 and 2 are absolutely essential and prerequisite to Habit 3. In this session, you’ll begin examining your daily routines and habits. I will help you distinguish between what is urgent and what is important, teach you the basics of effective self-management and remind you the importance of being able to say ‘no’. What really matters to you? How can you prioritize your daily actions for better efficiency? To achieve this, you must act according to your values rather than your desires or impulses. These first three habits are about moving you from being independent to self-dependent. They help you become more effective as an individual by developing inner strength, character, purpose and values.

  • Principle: There is no shortage of resources, and there is enough for everyone.

    Do you have an ‘abundance mentality’ or a ‘scarcity mentality’? We live in a competitive culture. In personal relationships, at work and in society in general. It's at the very foundation of our education system and most of us have been moulded, shaped and programmed in the ‘scarcity mentality’ since a young age. Stephen Covey calls it the win/lose attitude (“If I win, you lose”). Wouldn’t it be better if everyone could have an ‘abundance mentality’? This is the win/win attitude (“If you win, I win”). Imagine if we all could be happy for the success of others rather than be envious or insecure? Having a win/win mindset means valuing other people’s wins equally to your own. Win/win means that agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial, and all parties are happy with the outcome. It means being committed to trying to understand the other’s point of view. It means focusing on our differences and being able to trust each other… You guys, there’s plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody! This mindset can set you free and also opens possibilities, options, creativity and abundance!

  • Principle: Empathic listening and clear communication

    Communication is the most important skill in life. You spend years learning how to read and write, and years learning how to speak. But did you learn to listen? If you’re like most people, you probably seek first to be understood; you want to get your point across. And in doing so, you may ignore the other person completely, pretend that you’re listening, selectively hear only certain parts of the conversation or attentively focus on only the words being said, but miss the meaning entirely. But what about listening? In this 2,5-hour workshop we’ll take a deep dive into the 5th habit : “Seek first to understand, then to be understood” by using self-reflection, meditation, journaling, Reiki and Breathwork. How do you listen to others? And how do people listen to you? It’s time to find out.

  • Principle: Creative cooperation

    The world we live in functions like a puzzle, in which we are all different. But together with our differences we make a complete picture. I’m here to remind you that YOU are an important piece in this puzzle. Every little thing you do contributes to the creation of something greater than if you were alone. But you have to work with others. That’s synergy.The beauty of the world lies in the fact that we’re all different. It drives innovation, and innovation is what makes us successful, not only in our business but also in our personal relationships. The essence of synergy is to value and respect the differences, to build on the strengths and to compensate for the weaknesses. How well do you work with others? In this session, we will develop the 6th habit: "living in synergy" using meditation for awareness, Reiki for balancing connection and Breathwork for mutual respect. Synergy is the new energy!

  • Principle: To maintain and increase our efficiency, we must renew our physical, spiritual, mental and emotional resources.

    Are you like me? My typical daily routines have been shot to hell since March 2020. Almost a year has gone by that I don’t feel myself. This pandemic has thrown many of us off balance. As for myself, I’m not as fit, healthy or energetic as I was a year ago. Simple acts of self-love such as beauty, exercise, healthy eating, sufficient rest and work routines (which are supposed to bring us up) are more difficult to prioritize. It’s okay, but I know there’s room for improvement. How can you care for your physical body more effectively? Are you nourishing your spiritual dimension? Are you expanding your mind? How could you connect with more people this week? This session is a wonderful opportunity to recharge your batteries and create a new daily routine to renew your body, mind, head and heart.Yes, you’ll write a list! And then you’ll do Breathwork to turn off your brain and get inspired! We’re going to cultivate positive vibes! In this 2.5 hour workshop, we will explore the 7th habit: "Sharpen the saw" through meditation, Reiki, journaling and Breathwork. "Sharpen the saw" means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have . YOU. At the end of the session, you will understand what you need to do to create balance in the four dimensions of your life: physical, mental, spiritual and social... Use your breath to move forward... Let's do it together, I'm finally ready!

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